Sunday, June 26, 2011


What comes in your mind when you hear the world technology?

Technology is the application of mechanical and applied sciences for industrial use.This is very rampant as of this days and yet became part of our life. Many gadgets with different brand are out in the market. Up to this time, technologies/inventors are still inventing the most high-tech one. But have they think the effects of it to our lives? Though it can help our work easier, but it contributes bad effects such that it can make our mind useless. Most students today are now using internet for their research instead of going to the library. They became more dependent to it and totally being addicted because of many features offered. This addiction can be prevented if we know how to discipline our self in terms of using the internet. In fact, the goggle is now offer the new ways to search faster and easier without any typing the keyboard. This is done through speaking over the computer. So students, be responsible. Know your limitations!!