Monday, August 1, 2011

Internet in Education

Education is very much important to every individual person. It is the key of achieving success. Without education you can't able to find a stable job. This is one of the most qualification needed in every business establishment.

Internet nowadays is highly needed to every individual especially to the students. This network provides various information related to the topic being search. However, it lessens burdens of students in terms of searching and studying. In general, makes their life easier. It helps the students to discover and learn something. It also broaden the knowledge of students because it develops critical thinking.
Internet also provides an opportunity to study online in different universities. By just sitting in front of the computer at home, you can able to acquire your educational degree. Thus, internet helps person to balance time in work and study.
Because of many opportunities provided by this network, many student became addicted or engage in internet addiction. They always depend on internet  whenever they have an assignment. They don't like to go to library or else scan their books because their is an internet to give them a quick answer.

Anyway, internet addiction can be avoided if we know how to use it and discipline ourselves.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

knowledge gain about Internet

Having EDP3 subject gives me more knowledge about internet. Internet is a network that links computer networks  all over the world. This network plays a vital role to the life of individual. It contributes good benefits to the students, businessman, professionals, job seekers, and to all the people around the world. But somehow gives bad effects to our lives. Because of internet, we can communicate our relatives and friends from distant places through chatting and e-mailing. It can builds friendship,teamwork, and develops critical thinking because of the games being offered. This network also provides latest news of what's happening in the world today. In general, it makes people life easier and enjoyable but it can lead us to addiction. So we must discipline ourselves. I also learned about e-commerce law. Whenever you will be caught violating this law, you will be subjected for 6 months imprisonment with the penalty of 100,000 pesos. Even copying the information of what you've search without the author's consent is considered as violation. So as a student, I must be aware of my action because there is a corresponding sanctions awaits.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


What comes in your mind when you hear the world technology?

Technology is the application of mechanical and applied sciences for industrial use.This is very rampant as of this days and yet became part of our life. Many gadgets with different brand are out in the market. Up to this time, technologies/inventors are still inventing the most high-tech one. But have they think the effects of it to our lives? Though it can help our work easier, but it contributes bad effects such that it can make our mind useless. Most students today are now using internet for their research instead of going to the library. They became more dependent to it and totally being addicted because of many features offered. This addiction can be prevented if we know how to discipline our self in terms of using the internet. In fact, the goggle is now offer the new ways to search faster and easier without any typing the keyboard. This is done through speaking over the computer. So students, be responsible. Know your limitations!!